Fr David’s Letter

The Parish Church in Hay and our Church at Capel-y-Ffin both have as their patron S. Mary,
otherwise known as Our Lady. The Church calendar has several feasts in her honour. In
August we have the Feast of the Assumption on the 15th. This feast celebrates her fully rising
to Heaven, both in body and soul, and so taking her rightful place as Mother of God. There is
a tradition of Churches keeping the feast of their Patron as a patronal festival at which there
should be much merriment and joy. We could have several, keeping the various Marian
feasts, but the Assumption is perhaps the most fitting, were we required to stick to one.
There is a tradition of procession a statue of Our Lady at Assumptiontide. This is something
that Fr. Richard initiated here in his last few years with a local twist. There is much said
about the condition of the rivers in this country, particularly in reference to the Wye. A statue
of Our Lady, commissioned in recent years, is rowed along the Wye at Assumptiontide, often
by the man who carved her. We are invoking Our Lady to pray with us with regard to our
river Wye. There is much talk and figure pointing but little in terms of action. Prayer can often
provoke action and that is our hope with this pilgrimage on the Thursday 15th when she will
be processed from S. Mary’s at 9.00am down to the Wye before, please God, setting off on
voyage to Bredwardine Bridge. The next day she will continue and land at Hereford
Cathedral, resting there for the night, and then journeying on Saturday to Hoarwithy. It is
meet and right that the devotions and traditions of the Church assist in drawing attention to
issues local and, in hope, lead to greater awareness and a response to better care for the
gift of creation.
A Benedictine Priest, Dom. Michael Barrett, wrote some very pertinent words for us today
when reflecting upon the feast of the Assumption at the turn of the 20 th century.
‘This great festival, while it gladdens our hearts because of the glimpses it gives us of the
glory of our Mother and Queen, speaks to us in accents of encouragement and consolation.
During this earthly pilgrimage, sorrows, and troubles will press upon us; but if, like her, we
unite our sufferings with those of Christ our Lord, they become changed by the power of His
Cross into blessings. Sometimes, it may be, we grow faint and weary with the struggle
against sin; if we but call upon our Heavenly Advocate, she will gain fresh strength for us. To
her we trust for that precious grace of final perseverance. Our fidelity will be rewarded one
day, in the measure which God shall see fit, by a share in Mary’s bliss.’
Issues like the condition of the river Wye can seem insurmountable and beyond us. Yet, Our
Lady can and will aid us in accessing the strength and courage which God alone can grant.
Please God, let it be that the Blessed Saints, most particularly Our Lady, continue to pray for us.

Fr David