
SATURDAY August 3rd Organ Recital:  10.30am for 11.00am
This month’s guest organist: Fr Richard Williams
Admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of St Mary’s.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available.

SUNDAY August 4th Charity Concert: 2.00pm  

This afternoon’s concert is a celebration of 30 years of Hay Dial-a-Ride.
The Surrey Police Band, under the direction of former Army musician Graham Atterbury, is making a return to the area  for the first time since 2021, when they performed to mark the Centenary of the Royal British Legion.
The concert also marks the 80th anniversary of D Day and the liberation of the occupied countries of Europe, during which thousands of service men and women, and also civilians, made the ultimate sacrifice.
One of those civilians was Violette Szabo, an SOE agent who went  to France on 7th June 1944 on her second mission.  She was captured three days later.
Along with two other SOE agents, Denise Bloch and Lilian Rolf, she was executed in early 1945.
Violette forged close links with this area and her daughter, Tania, who has lived near Builth Wells for many years, will this afternoon pay tribute to her mother.

The Surrey Police Band will be playing many favourites of the time, providing a real 1940’s vibe !

Also featuring, will be the Vintage Class Singers, professional dancers Sue and Steve Mace and soprano Lauren Elizabeth Williams of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.
V.I.P. guests will include Pensioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea; Royal British Legion Standard Bearers; the ‘Queen Mum’ and, of course, ‘Winston Churchill’.
Tickets are £10.00 and can be purchased on the door.
SATURDAY August 31st Pilgrimage

Fr. Ignatius Memorial Trust Pilgrimage Programme

11.30am – Mass at S. David, Llanthony
Following lunch, be that picnic or at the Abbey Pub a pilgrimage walk from
Llanthony to Capel-y-Ffin, starting at 1.30pm
3.30pm – Evensong at S. Mary’s, Capel-y-Ffin
Evensong will be followed by a processional walk to the ruins of Fr. Ignatius’ Abbey Church,  with ‘stations’ at the Wayside Calvary and at the Statue of Our Lady of Capel-y-Ffin.