Fr David’s Letter

As this month of March starts so does the liturgical season of Lent, namely on Wednesday 6th. Giving something up seems to have gained popularity in the secular world with such things as ‘dry January’, ‘no meat May’ and self-declared ‘digital detoxes’. I haven’t tried one of the three mentioned and am unlikely to. If there were something like ‘no meeting May’ then I would be more inclined.

Lent, as has often been said and no doubt will be repeated, is not simply a period in which to give something(s) up. It is not about the waistline, rather it is about the health of one’s spiritual life. The taking up of a good practice is as much a part of Lent as going without booze, fags or rollerblading (as per Fr. Ted).

You may note in the magazine this month that we are starting an additional Mass on Mondays. The spiritual life is one that is done in communion with God. Receiving Holy Communion with regularity is a practice that the Church has promoted because it is the means by which we are nourished and strengthened. It is a receiving of God’s most glorious grace. The following, from the Council of Trent (1551), says it better than I ever could.

‘His will was that this sacrament be received as the soul’s spiritual food which would nourish and strengthen those who live by the life of Him who said: ‘He who eats me will live because of me’; and that it be also a remedy to free us from our daily faults.’

Increasing the opportunities for us to receive spiritual food for the soul can only be a good thing, and this is so, be it Lent, Ordinary Time or Advent. Can I encourage you in this, or another way, to seek growth in your spiritual life this Lent?

Please God, let it be that the Blessed Saints, most particularly Our Lady, continue to pray for us!

Fr. David