We are a group of Anglican (Church in Wales) Churches, centred around Hay-on-Wye, who take the role of the Parish Church seriously. Each and every day we pray for the welfare and wellbeing of all people in this area, we visit local schools, the care home, and work with many local organisations. Fr. Austin Farrer spoke of the Priest as a ‘walking sacrament’. The clergy here believe and practise this.
Our faith is one rooted in the sacramental life, for that is where the fullness of Christian living is found. At the heart of this is the Mass which is regularly celebrated. The Mass, at which we receive Holy Communion, is the source and summit of our Christian living. In the villages the Mass is done with simplicity, whilst in Hay there is the fullness of Anglo-Catholic ritual, with High Masses celebrated at the principal feasts. Some of our regulars come from further afield, including Hereford, as their faith is one rooted in the richness of the Anglo-Catholic way.
The Church Catholic traditionally holds that there be seven sacraments. For more about the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, see their separate pages. If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (‘Confession’), or know someone in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (‘Last rites’), please do get in touch.
Fr. David Wyatt, tel 01497 828380, revdavid.wyatt@outlook.com